Save the date: CIPR International AGM
The 2019 CIPR International AGM will take place on Wednesday 25 September.

Further details will be announced shortly, together with a link to the events page where you will be able to register.
Anyone wishing to stand for election should be a CIPR member. They will need a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must also be CIPR members.
Being a part of the CIPR International committee provides ample opportunities to network and build relationships with like-minded practitioners, as well as sharing and learning from best practice. As a committee member you would play a key role in developing CIPR International’s activities for the year ahead.
You don’t have to be in the UK to stand for election; the committee is currently based across multiple countries.
Any candidate standing for election to the CIPR International committee should register interest with the Chair, Andras Sztaniszlav.