Tickets for EGM and #EthicsFest event now available
An Extraordinary General Meeting of CIPR International will be held on Thursday 25 October 2018 from 6pm at Lansons (24a St John Street, London, EC1M 4AY). Non-CIPR members are welcome, but have no voting rights.

Any candidate standing for election to the CIPR International committee should register interest with the chair, Shirley Collyer (email: Anyone wishing to stand for election needs a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be CIPR members. Candidates should also be CIPR members. The EGM is free to attend.
#EthicsFest event
CIPR International's EGM will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A on ethics and the role of research in PR. Opinium is kindly hosting a networking reception, immediately after the event. This part of the event is ticketed! Please book your ticket accordingly. Speakers will be confirmed shortly, so watch this space!
Why attend?
Learn about the ethical implications of research in comms.
Gain the 5 CPD points on ethics which you need to complete your annual CPD.